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How Clock-In Software Enhances Remote Work Management

The huge changes in working patterns brought about by the pandemic have been the subject of much discussion – none more so than the shift to remote working. As companies in many industries around the world have rapidly adapted to an increasingly remote workforce, they have faced a host of new challenges. From scheduling woes to tracking overtime accurately, managing remote teams is a complex task. 

A reliable clock-in software is a key tool in the arsenal of any company when it comes to tackling some of these problems. In this article, we'll delve into the five biggest benefits of clock-in softwares for companies that have embraced remote working. We'll explore how the technology helps streamline operations, build trust with remote employees, and ensure a more productive and efficient remote workforce.

More flexible scheduling

One of the primary challenges of managing a remote workforce is ensuring that employees are available and productive when needed. Clock-in and time tracking software can make scheduling more flexible and adaptable to the needs of both the company and its remote workers. By accurately recording every minute spent on each project, time tracking software enables project managers to closely monitor progress against billable hours.

This is before even considering the potential efficiencies home working opens up. According to a report by Finder, 65% of workers say they are more productive at home than in the office. Clock-in software allows employees to log their hours based on their peak productivity times, improving overall efficiency. This flexibility can result in a more satisfied and productive remote workforce.

Track overtime more efficiently

Remote work often blurs the boundaries between work and personal life, making it challenging to track overtime accurately. This can cause a number of problems including difficulties in paying overtime fairly, but also when it comes to budgeting for projects. Clock-in software provides a solution by automatically recording hours worked, ensuring that overtime is tracked efficiently and fairly.

A study by Ciphr found a greater proportion of hybrid workers (58%) and remote-only workers (51%) work unpaid overtime than fully on-site workers (42%). Clock-in software helps businesses manage this by providing real-time data on employee hours. This enables managers to better manage employee workloads, helping to prevent burnout, ensure fair payment for overtime, build more reliable future schedules and ensure compliance with labour regulations.

Build trust with your staff and enable a better work/life balance

Trust is a critical component of successful remote work arrangements. Time tracking software can help build trust by promoting transparency and accountability. When employees clock in and out, it creates a record of their work hours, eliminating doubts about productivity.

Clock-in software allows businesses to trust their remote employees while also enabling them to maintain a healthier work/life balance, contributing to overall job satisfaction and retention. 

Gain a better overview of staff performance and improve accountability

With remote working eliminating many of the ways managers traditionally appraised staff performance, businesses must seek new ways to retain oversight. Time tracking software can provide real-time insights into an employee’s time efficiency, allowing managers to monitor progress and automatically be notified when issues arise. In turn, such software fosters a general sense of accountability similar to that which would be expected in an on-site environment.

A study found that 71% of managers believe that their remote employees are just as productive, if not more so, than their in-office counterparts. Clock-in software plays a pivotal role in making this possible by enabling managers to have a clearer picture of staff performance, facilitating effective communication, and addressing concerns in a timely manner.

Improve payroll accuracy

Accurate and timely payroll processing is essential for remote employees. Manual time tracking methods can be error-prone, leading to payroll discrepancies and dissatisfaction among remote workers. Clock-in software automates time tracking, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring payroll accuracy.

Substandard time tracking - especially when it comes to overtime - generally tends to damage the employee, either through directly overpaying staff or as a result of poor schedules created using inaccurate working data. According to MHR, payroll errors could cost a business with a 500-strong workforce £150,000 annually. With 91% of businesses in the UK and Ireland admitting to making payroll errors every month, this is a widespread issue. Implementing clock-in software that integrates seamlessly with payroll can significantly reduce this cost by minimising errors around hours worked and streamlining the payroll process.

Introducing Crown: flexible clock-in software that meets the challenges of a remote workforce

Clock-in and time tracking software from Crown Workforce Management gives your business the oversight you’ve been lacking for your remote workforce. It’s designed to simplify workforce management, drive operational efficiency, and foster a culture of accountability within your organisation. 

Employees can clock in from a wide range of devices, meaning they can record their hours worked from anywhere in the world. And with comprehensive reporting tools for managers, and automated payroll integration, Crown slots seamlessly into your organisation’s tech stack to improve accuracy, oversight and performance. Find out how Crown can aid your business by arranging a demo today.

  Free guide  How to use time and attendance data to optimise your workforce  Download the free guide

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